Mauritius Australia Connection
Mauritius Australia Connection

       Madeleine Philippe

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Mauritius Australia Connection
Mauritius Australia Connection

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Mauritius Australia Connection

       Madeleine Philippe

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Achard Legumes

Bouillon Tectec

Bouillon poisson

Chatini Pomme d'Amour

Pork in Oyster Sauce

Cari chouchou

Poisson Sale

Mauritius Australia Connection
Mauritius Australia Connection





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Brèdes, Bouillons, Salads, Soups & Vegetables. 

(*French Version) Share 

 Bouillon Tectec
Bouillon poisson

Madeleine Philippe Cancer Foundation (AUS) Inc
Madeleine Philippe
Cancer Foundation
(Aus) Inc

Mauritius Australia Connection
Bisque d'Huitres et Camarons
Prawn and Oyster Bisque
Seafood Bouillon
Bouillon Brȇdes
Greens in Bouillon
Bouillon Crabes
Crab Bouillon
Bouillon Cresson
Watercress Bouillon
Bouillon Malgache
Beef in Spicy Bouillon with Greens
Bouillon Mee Foon &
Bouillon Boulettes Poisson

Bouillon Poisson (avec Lalos)
Fish in Spicy Bouillon (with Okra)
Bouillon Tec Tec
Pipis in Spicy Bouillon
Chicken Mulligatawny
Spicy Chicken Soup
Corn Soup with Chicken
Halim Soup
Soup with Meat and Lentils
Hot and Sour Soup Rasson Soup
Spicy Vegetarian Soup
Soupe Mama-Kai Chock
Fish Congee
Tomato Soup
Soupe de Tomates
Wantan Bouillon Watercress Soup
Soupe de Cresson
Bouillon Crabes * Snake Beans with Pork Stir Fry Fricassée Cabbage, Carrots and Sausages
Brêdes Songes Fricassée
Taro Leaves Fricassée
Brocolli with Beef Stir Fried Cat Cat Manioc
Cassava Casserole
Choko Curry with Pork, Beef
or Lamb
Pipengaille (Luffa) with Pork Cos Lettuce Stir Fried
Eggplant Fricassée with Pork Vegetarian Fried Rice Sauce Blanche Chou Fleur
Cauliflower in White Sauce
Cucumber Salad Fricassé Le Chou
Buttered White Cabbage
Fricassȇ Le Chou with Corned Silverside. Cabbage with Corned Silverside.
Spiced Boiled Chickpeas
Gram Bouilli
Vegetable Bryani  
Gratin de Giraumon
Pumpkin Gratin
Gratin de Manioc
Cassava Gratin
Haricots Verts
Green beans with Garlic
Pommes de Terre Frire
Potato Chips
Potato Salad
Salade de Pomme de Terre
Salade ChouChou
Choko Salad
Salade de Coeur de Pamiste
Heart of Palm Salad
Sauce Blanche ChouChou
Choko in White Sauce
Stewed Okras
é de Lalos
Stir Fried Bok Choy
Stir Fried Greens
Bitter Melon with Prawns
Stir Fry
Tomates à la Provencale
Cat Cat Manioc * Pipengaille (Luffa) with Dried Prawns
Note: Spoonful measures are flush not heaped spoonfuls.
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Appetizers, Breads, Entrées, Gajacks

& Snacks.      (*French Version) Share 

Gateau Piments

Madeleine Philippe Cancer Foundation (AUS) Inc
Madeleine Philippe
Cancer Foundation
(Aus) Inc

Chatini Pomme d'Amour
Bhujas (Onion Fritters) Boulettes ChouChou  
Cheese Sticks
Batons de Fromage
Gâteaux Piments
Chilli Cakes
Crepes Salées et Douces
Croquettes de Crevettes
Prawn Fritters
Croquettes de Morue
Salt Cod Fritters
Croquettes de Volaille
Chicken Pieces in Batter
Dhall Pouris
Dhall Pouris*
Du Pain Frire
Bread Slices fried in Batter
Eggplant Dip
Dip Bringèle
Faratas Fried Wantans Gateau Bringèle
Eggplant slices in Batter
Gâteau Arouille
Taro Fritters
Steamed Ground Rice Cakes (Poutou) Pork & Prawn Bean Curd Rolls
Pork and Veal Terrine Ham Hock Terrine Mauritian Prawn Hakien
Sweet Buns with Coconut Filling (Makatias) Massepain
Popular Mauritian Cake
Mini Spring Rolls
Mulku (Muruku) Naan Indian Bread Oeufs Farcis
Pain Perdu-French Toast Pâté Chaud with
Minced Beef & Bacon
Piment Cari Frire
Chili Fried in Batter
Sticky Chicken Wings Stuffed Zucchini Flowers Courgettes Farcies Spiced Boiled Chickpeas
Gram Bouilli
Poulet Annabelle Ti Pooris
Unleavened Pancakes
Salmon Patties
Croquettes de Saumon
Samoosas-Spicy Fillings in Pastry Casings Soya Eggs Dhall Pouris*
Boulettes Poisson
Fish Balls
Octopus Salad
Salade Ourite
Prawns with Avocado
Crevettes avec Avocat
Garlic Cream Prawns Prawn Dumplings (Har Gow) Salt and Pepper Squid
Calamar Croustillant
Tomates à la Provencale Mashed Potatoes
with Corned Beef
Salted Peanuts
Pistaches Salées
Croque Monsieur Croque Madame
Note: Spoonful measures are flush not heaped spoonfuls.
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Beef, Chicken, Lamb, Pork & Venison. 

(*French Version) Share 

Beef with mushrooms
Madeleine Philippe Cancer Foundation (AUS) Inc
Madeleine Philippe
Cancer Foundation
(Aus) Inc

Pork in Oyster Sauce

Mauritius Australia Connection

This space
can be yours
Email Clancy

Madeleine Philippe Cancer Foundation (AUS) Inc
Madeleine Philippe
Cancer Foundation
(Aus) Inc
Beef Curry Beef and Potato Curry Beef in Black Bean Sauce
Beef with Brocolli Stir Fried Beef with Mushrooms
in Red Wine
Beef with Vegetables
ère de Boeuf
Beef Bryani (Easy Cook) Beef Bryani (Traditional) Bol Deviré- Upside down Rice Bowl with Savouries
Boudins de Maurice
Black Pudding (Mauritius Style)
Boulettes de Viande
Beef and Chicken Meat Balls
Bouillon Malgache
Beef in Spicy Bouillon with Greens
Char Sui
Chinese Roast Pork
Côtelettes de Poulet
Chicken on the Bone in Batter
Chicken Curry with Prawns (1)
Chicken Curry with Prawns (2) Chicken Fricassé
Chicken in Light Sauce
Choko Curry with Pork, Beef or Lamb
Civet de Lièvre ou Lapin
Hare or Rabbit in Red Wine
Curry Jeannot Delaitre
Pork, Beef or Lamb in Rich Curry Sauce
Daube de Poulet
Chicken in Rich Red Wine Sauce
Double Cooked Pork Gigot de Mouton
Lamb Roast
Lamb Roast in Butter with Herbs
Le Foie Frire
Fried Ox Liver
Ox Tongue Roast
Langue de Boeuf Rôtie
Oxtail Curry with Eggplant
Cari Queue de Boeuf avec Bring
Sticky Chicken Wings Eggplant Fricassée with Pork  
Ox Tail in Red Wine
Queue de Boeuf au Vin Rouge
Mashed Potatoes
with Corned Beef
Fricassée Cabbage, Carrots and Sausages
Mauritian Style Pilaf
Pork Spare Ribs with Black Bean Sauce Pork Spare Ribs with Oyster Sauce (1)
Pork Spare Ribs with Oyster Sauce (2) Poulet Annabelle
Marinated Chicken
Poulet aux Champignons
Chicken with Mushrooms
Roast Sirloin Beef in Mustard Sauce
Boeuf Roti à la Moutarde
Rougaille Boudin
Black Pudding in Spicy Tomato Sauce
Rougaille de Viande
Beef in Spicy Tomato Sauce
Sausages in Spicy Tomato Sauce
Rougaille de Saucisses
Steak au Poivre
Pepper Steak
Steak with Mushrooms
Steak de Boeuf aux Champignons
Tripes with Lima Beans Curry
Cari Tripes et Gros Pois
Pipengaille (Luffa) with Pork Smoked Pork - Porc Boucané
Stir Fried Chicken with Vegetables Sweet and Sour Pork
Porc Aigre Doux
Venison Curry with Lilva Beans
Cari Cerf et Embrevades
Slow Cooked Osso Bucco Haricots Rouges et Viande Hachée Red Kidney Beans with Minced Beef Breaded Pork Chops
Cassoulet Mauricien
Mauritian Cassoulet
Haricots Rouges avec Porc FuméBorlotti Beans with Smoked Pork Cassoulet Mauricien *
Civet de Lièvre ou Lapin * Fricassé de Viande aux
Haricots Noirs *
Gigot de Mouton *
Poulet aux Champignons * Cari Viande de Boeuf* Cari Poulet et Crevettes*
Cari Jeannot Delaitre*
Poulet aux Petits Pois
Chicken with
reen Peas
Poulet aux Petits Pois*
Chicken with
Green Peas
  Snake Beans with Pork Stir Fry Rougaille Corned Beef
Beef Vindaye (Vindaloo) Chicken Mulligatawny
Spicy Chicken Soup
Note: Spoonful measures are flush not heaped spoonfuls.
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Fish and Other Seafoods.      (*French Version) Share 

Poisson Sale
Madeleine Philippe Cancer Foundation (AUS) Inc
Madeleine Philippe
Cancer Foundation
(Aus) Inc

Mauritius Australia Connection
Bechamel de Poisson
Fish with Bechamel Sauce
Boulettes Poisson
Fish Balls
Chilli Crab
Prawn Egg Fu Yung Chilli Prawns Civet de Langouste
Lobster in Red Wine
Corn Soup with Chicken
or Crab Meat
Croquettes de Morue
Salt Cod Fritters
Crystal Prawns
Daube Ourite
Octopus Stew
Bouillon Poisson (avec Lalos)
Fish in Spicy Bouillon (with Okra)
Fish Curry
Cari Poisson
Vindaille Poisson
Fish Vindaloo
Garlic Prawns
Crevettes à l'Aäoli
Gratin de Morue
Salt Cod Gratin with Potatoes
Octopus Salad
Salade Ourite
Octopus Curry
Cari Ourite
Octopus Vindaloo
Vindaille Ourite
Poisson aux Fines Herbes
Fish in Tomato Sauce with Herbs
Poisson Sale
Salt Fish Fried with Onions
Sweet and Sour Fish
Poisson Aigre Doux
Bouillon Crabes
Crab Bouillon
Seafood Bouillon
Bouillon Tec Tec
Pipis in Spicy Bouillon
Crevettes Sauce Rouge
Prawn in Red Sauce
Prawns with Avocado
Crevettes avec Avocat
Rougaille Poisson Salé
Salt Fish Rougaille
Prawns in Spicy Chilli Sauce    
Salmon Patties
Croquettes de Saumon
Bisque d'Huitres et Camarons
Prawn and Oyster Bisque
Daube Ourite *                    
Tropical Fettucine Carbonara with Prawns Garlic Cream Prawns Fish (Prawn) Bryani
Saumon Maddy * Prawn Dumplings (Har Gow) Salt and Pepper Squid
Calamar Croustillant
Bitter Melon with Prawns
Stir Fry
Bombay Duck Sauté
Sauté de Bombli
Note: Spoonful measures are flush not heaped spoonfuls.
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 Drinks, Rums & Wines.      (*French Version) Share   

Rum of Mauritius

Avocado Smoothie Banana Split Breakfast Drinks
De l'Eau Alouda Glacée de l"Eau Tamarin
Tamarind Water
Golden Orange
Rum Cocktails Rhums Preparés
Prepared Rums and Liqueurs
Tomato Bouncer
De l'Eau Alouda Glacée * White Wines Red Wines
Rosé Wines Sparkling Wines Sweet and Fortified Wines    
  Note: Spoonful measures are flush not heaped spoonfuls.
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Copyright Notice: Please be advised that permission is granted to viewers of these recipe pages to print purchased recipes only for their own personal use. Permission is not given for webmasters of other web sites to copy any of the recipes for redisplay on their web sites. Webmasters are however free to provide links to this recipe page, if they so desire. Permission may be given for the use of  sample recipes for  promotional purposes. Contact Madeleine Philippe with your request.
Designed and compiled by Madeleine and Clancy Philippe. Information contained in this homepage is given as supplied and in good faith. No responsibility is taken
for any losses or misgivings which may arise from the use of any supplied information. We welcome emails bringing to our attention any inaccuracies or suggestions for improvement.